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William R. Kimball
Jul 20, 202411 min read
"Seventeen Timely Resource Books"
The following seventeen books are now available to encourage, challenge, and confirm believers in the faith. They are now available in...
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William R. Kimball
Jun 25, 20244 min read
"Welcome To the Wilderness"
In the deep dealings of God, the wilderness is a very special place. It is a place God prepares for His people. It is not a happy place,...
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William R. Kimball
Oct 14, 20233 min read
"That Wasn't Such a Good Idea Afterall"
There is a powerful lesson to be learned from the life of King David that speaks volumes to the church age – especially to the...
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William R. Kimball
May 20, 20234 min read
"The Defining Traits of God's Last Days Remnant"
If God's last days remnant had a "Declaration of Independence" it would hold these truths to be self-evident: 1. They detest the spirit...
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William R. Kimball
Mar 2, 20233 min read
"The Day of Small Things"
The prophet Zechariah asked this penetrating question, “Who has despised the day of small things?” ¹ I have occasionally found myself...
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William R. Kimball
Oct 28, 20222 min read
"The Maze"
The traditional church is like an intricate maze. I think many would be shocked to find out just how many faithful churchgoers feel...
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William R. Kimball
Sep 7, 20223 min read
"Don't Touch It!"
David’s disastrous attempt to transport the ark to Jerusalem on an oxcart sends a sobering warning to the contemporary church. The ark...
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William R. Kimball
Jun 6, 20223 min read
"Don't Look to America"
Many Christians around the world think that the American church represents the gold standard of what churches were meant to be, but this...
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William R. Kimball
May 24, 20223 min read
"Did God Create a Huge Denominational Smorgasbord?"
Let’s be absolutely clear about this; It was not God who created a huge denominational smorgasbord with over 40,000 different...
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William R. Kimball
May 24, 20222 min read
"The Daughters of Babylon"
"...On her forehead a name was written ¹: MYSTERY BABYLON ...
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William R. Kimball
May 23, 20222 min read
"What About those Non-Denominational Denominations?"
I remember long ago when I first entered the U.S. Army, I had to list my religious preference to be inscribed on my personalized...
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William R. Kimball
May 19, 20223 min read
"Leaving Churchianity Behind"
Leaving churchianity is not a simple decision. Neither is it something that happens overnight. No one gets up one morning and suddenly...
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William R. Kimball
May 17, 20224 min read
"Is There Life After Churchianity?"
The simple answer is “YES!” Though the process of leaving churchianity behind is often fraught with difficulty and painful readjustments...
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William R. Kimball
May 17, 20224 min read
"God Winked at Their Times of Ignorance"
This article deals with God’s unfolding timeline and puts His last day’s remnant and His call for them to come out into a biblical and...
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William R. Kimball
May 15, 20223 min read
"Are There Legitimate Exceptions?"
I think what is so amazing about God’s call for His people to “come out of her” is what He doesn’t say. Not only does He call His people...
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William R. Kimball
May 15, 20223 min read
"Coming In or Coming Out?"
This is one of the foremost questions for Christians today. In or out? Everyone seems to be crying out for our attention. The...
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William R. Kimball
Apr 29, 20223 min read
"Where Do You Find Your Identity?"
Most Christians would say that their identity is found in Christ. Theologically, theoretically and confessionally this would be what...
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William R. Kimball
Jan 3, 20223 min read
"Churchianity is its Own Worst Enemy"
When I refer to the "Established Church", I am referring the mass of churches representing churchianity - not His true church. It...
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William R. Kimball
Dec 25, 202121 min read
"Twelve Foundational Truths That Make the Remnant the Remnant"
1. We are presently in a worldwide revival even though many Christians don’t recognize it. It is unlike any other revival in the past....
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William R. Kimball
Dec 19, 20211 min read
"If Jesus Came to Church"
“If Jesus made a point at showing up at one of our typical churches it would not be a joyous homecoming with a warm embrace but a knotted...
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