The following seventeen books are now available to encourage, challenge, and confirm believers in the faith. They are now available in paperback, e-Book, along with eight in hardcover on Amazon.com
(Go to your Amazon site and type the book title with William Kimball)

"A Watchman's Word" - Timely challenges facing God's people and the contemporary church.
It has taken me many years to reach this pivotal point in my life. Over the last 55 years I have served as a Bible teacher, pastor, author, and missionary. At this late stage in my life, I find myself in the role of a “Watchman”. It is not a calling I chose but one God chose for me.
My pilgrimage has taken me around the church block many times. Much of what I write about has been distilled from those trips. Many of the spiritual conclusions I have reached were forged in the crucible of hard knocks. One of the key truths I have learned is that there is a vast difference between authentic Christianity and man-made “churchianity".
Some of you will find these articles refreshing and even confirmational. Some will find them comforting and spiritually liberating. Unfortunately, there are untold millions who would see these articles as radical and even disturbing. Some would even call them the delusional ravings of a heretic. A cautionary word of warning to all would-be critics and naysayers who may stumble upon this body of work – You will find the contents of this book offensive.

"Reflections of An Old Jesus Freak" - Long ago, a rag-tag band of ex-hippies, street-people, drop-outs, college kids and nomadic youth were swept up in a sovereign move of God called “The Jesus Movement.” They were often referred to as “Jesus Freaks.” I’m one of those old "Jesus Freaks” now. Over fifty years have passed since those youthful days of innocence.
Over the ensuing years I have made many trips around the proverbial church block and been seasoned by the many hard-won lessons I gleaned along the way. My pilgrimage has taught me many things about what doesn’t work and what does.
It is my sincere hope that these personal insights, experiences, and reflections will be a source of comfort, confirmation, and encouragement. They will challenge you, make you laugh, and occasionally make you cry. We each have a story to tell - This one is mine. Maybe you will recognize your own story on the following pages.

"Walking Through the Wilderness with God" - Most know it simply as "The Wilderness." It is about that figurative spiritual dimension of testing and trial. It is a place we were experience the refining furnace of God which is meant to change us in profound ways. The wilderness is a place that God prepares for those He loves. It is not an easy place or a pleasant place but a place of waiting, wandering, and need.
It is the crucible where God instills a deeper faith, understanding and transparency in our life. It is where we discover authenticity, honesty, transparency, and spiritual integrity. Not everyone successfully weathers their own personal times in the wilderness, but those who do come out are far better men and women in God.

"Spiritual Abuse" - Are suffering under the tyranny of “Spiritual Abuse.” Does your spiritual gut tell you that you are involved in a spiritually abusive system? Does your church or church leadership pressure you to perform or measure up to their expectations? Is your church demanding and legalistic? Does it leave you feeling like you are not being as spiritual as you should be or somehow falling short? Maybe you have recently come out of an abusive system and are trying to find your way. Maybe you feel somewhat shell-shocked by the experience. Maybe it has soured you on Christianity. Maybe you know someone who is currently struggling under the oppressive yoke of spiritual abuse. It’s far more common than you may think.
Most are somewhat familiar with physical abuse, mental abuse, and sexual abuse, but few are aware of "spiritual abuse", let alone understand what it is, despite the fact that it is far more prevalent and pervasive than most imagine."
Spiritual Abuse" is, first and foremost, a book of healing and recovery. It examines the sources, symptoms, dynamics, and path to recovery from the devastating consequences of this condition. It is a book for those suffering from spiritual abuse, for those in spiritual authority over others, and as a resource tool for someone you might know.

"Politics & The Corruption of the Gospel” - A Penetration Look At the Toxic Mix of Politics and the ‘Great Commission’.”
"Politics & The Corruption of The Gospel" offers an uncompromising look at the misguided efforts of many well-intentioned Christians to politicize the gospel and mobilize the church for political activism.
It offers a challenging "wake-up call" to those who are unconsciously derailing the "Great Commission" through their political divisiveness and partisan agendas. In this current season of political rancor and intrigue, it is imperative that Christians have both feet planted firmly on solid scriptural ground before diving headfirst into the political cesspool.
"Politics & The Corruption of The Gospel" offers a timely look at the toxic mix of politics and the mission of the church by examining what Jesus and the apostles clearly taught in the New Testament regarding this controversial issue.

"The Book of Books" - "A Revealing Look at 15 powerful proofs of the Bible's Divine Accuracy, Authenticity, and Authorship"
"The Book of Books" is about "The Book" - The Bible. It focuses upon the most important book ever compiled. It offers is an in-depth look at the Bibles divine authorship, accuracy, and authority in all issues of faith and practice.
In a day and age when many in the contemporary church can no longer endure sound teaching in fulfillment of Paul's exhortation to Timothy, the issue of the Bibles relevance and reliability has taken a place of paramount place importance for all those who profess Christ. Like the prism of a priceless gem in the jeweler's hand, we will take a detailed look at the Bible from many angles.
This book is written for skeptics and all those who believe that the Bible is not just the "book of God" but the "God of books."

"Sharper Than Any Two-Edged Sword" - A revealing look at the power, potency, and relevance of God's Word for fighting the "Good Fight."
The power of God's Word is underscored in Paul's declaration, "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thought s and intents of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account." - (Hebrews 4:12 & 13)
This book stands as a defense and confirmation of the word of God. It does so in the face of a growing tsunami of bible criticism, hostility, and denunciation from both the world and an increasing number in the contemporary church. It does so in the firm conviction that "All scripture is given by the inspiration of God...that the man of God be complete and thoroughly equipped for every good work"... knowing that the Holy Scriptures "are able to make you wise for salvation." - (II Timothy 3:15-17)

“Vietnam – The Other Side of Glory” - Sixteen Gut-wrenching accounts of those who endured the traumas of Vietnam and were able to redeem something eternal out of their experiences”
"Vietnam - The Other Side of Glory" is a collection of sixteen different stories involving marines, soldiers, airmen, and sailors who went through some of the most horrendous experiences in Vietnam, only to carry home a duffle bag filled with the invisible wounds of the heart, the mind, and their souls. But it also tells the deeply personal accounts of how each of them where ultimately able to redeem something positive, purposeful out of their traumas and tragedies.
“Vietnam – The Other Side of Glory” is written for vets and non-vets alike. Over the years, this anthology has proven to be a source of comfort, hope, and healing for many vets and their families as well as those interested in that dark period in American history. In some ways, it is a fitting requiem for all who served and tells the often over-looked story about the Vietnam experience - "The Other Side of Glory."

"The Jesus I Know” – "Discovering the Authentic Jesus of the Gospels”
"The Jesus I know" is book about the Jesus we see in the gospels. He's not the image of a figure hanging in eternal agony on some church crucifix, or the portrait of an effeminate looking Jesus hung on a bedroom wall. He's not the cool, "hipster" Jesus in some hip-hop church or the plastic figure of a "flesh colored Christ that glows in the dark" that Bob Dylan once sung about.
He is nothing like the religousized, sentimentalized and even contemporized images which are so often presented to a lost world. He has nothing to do with the distorted caricatures which religious men have fabricated over the centuries.
Instead, He is the "Son of God" portrayed in the gospels. He is the real-life Jesus whom I have come to know as my confidant, my intimate, my best friend, and the lover of my soul.

“The Rapture – A Question of Timing” - offers both layman and serious students a thorough examination of this timely topic. It does so by carefully considering the major points of controversy between the pre-trib and post-trib view.
It tracks the historical origins of pretribulational beliefs and explores the factors, trends, and individuals who influenced its evolution. It also takes a close look at the major scriptural flaws underlying this widely held view and helps unravel the internal difficulties people use to support this timely subject.
Those who believe in a post-tribulation rapture contend that pretribulationism is a fairly recent innovation in eschatological thinking and does not accurately reflect the historical position of God’s people. They also maintain that pretribulationism, in whatever form, is an erroneous teaching based upon a flawed exegesis of scripture and that the preponderance of scripture and historical evidence against it is substantial.

"Being Conformed into His Image” – offers a behind-the-scenes look at the divine process of conforming us into the likeness and image of Christ. This ongoing process of transformation often goes unnoticed and unperceived by the naked eye. It is often subtle, mysterious, and sublime but deeply personal. It offers an encouraging look at the dynamic metamorphosis that is taking place each day through both the mundane and dramatic events in our life. In theological terms, it is referred to as "sanctification", but what Christians actually experience during this process is a far grittier, "where the rubber meets the road" kind of experience.
This book will answer many of the unspoken questions we have asked about why certain seasons, trials, and experiences have taken place in our lives. It explains why all things are working together for our good, how He is in sovereign control in each step in the process, and why they are all working together in perfect harmony to fulfill the eternal plan and purpose which He established before the foundations of the world, . "Till we come to...the perfect man, in the measure of the stature and fulness of Christ." - (Ephesians 4:13)

"Casting Pearls Before God's People" - A Wealth of Insights Gathered over Six Decades"
When Jesus spoke of the futility of trying to reach people who would not receive the truth, He used a commonly understood proverb of His day to warn us; “Cast not your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.” – (Matthew 7:6)
This graphic metaphor illustrates the futility of wasting our precious pearls of wisdom upon those who will devalue them, dismiss them with contempt, and then retaliate by tearing into us with hatred and hostility.
Unlike the graphic scenario Jesus depicted with when casting your pearls before swine, on the following pages you will read about pearls of wisdom and understanding gleaned from a long pilgrimage. They are hopefully being cast before those who won’t trample them into the proverbial mud but will, instead, prayerfully weigh them in the balance of scripture and take them to heart.

"Fighting the Good Fight" - When Paul described the Christian experience, He likened it to soldiers fighting the "Good Fight”. We are not being called to a life of worldly prosperity, success, or our best life now as many teach but a life which often involves hardship and sacrifice. Jesus is not calling His people “easy street’ or a life of comfort and fullness like the Laodicean church. He was calling us to war and a long march to victory.
“Fighting the Good Fight” offers a candid look at what warfare teaches us about the fight we are in. It draws from the real-life lessons that are forged in crucible of hardship and pressure under fire. It is for veterans and Christian soldiers alike. If you are one of these saints in the “Army of the Lord” then this book will minister to you and help equip you to fight the good fight.

"Where Did the Early Church Go?” – “Re-thinking the Early House Church & the Gathering together of God’s Ecclesia.”
Have you ever wondered what happened to the early church? Did you know that it was banned by the emerging Catholic church in the 4th century? Did you know that the early house church was where early believers gathered together for the first 300 years of Christianity? Did you know that early Christians didn't "go" to church because they saw themselves as the church Jesus was building wherever they were. Did you know they didn’t worship in temples or cathedrals or holy houses? What were the unique characteristics that made it so effective that it overthrew the might of Imperial Rome? Is the house church concept relevant today without all the “bells & whistles” of the contemporary church? These, and many more questions about the early house church are addressed in this timely book.

"The Late Great Tribulation" - A Scriptural and Historical Requiem for the Great Tribulation."
The widely held concept of a period of great tribulation at the end of this age lasting for seven years just prior to Christ's second coming is firmly embedded in the prophetic understanding of many. It is one of the central features of "Dispensationalism" and "Futurism." However, when Jesus delivered His "Mt. Olivet Prophecy" to His disciples, He provided clear instructions on when the "Great Tribulation" would occur. "
"The Late Great Tribulation" attempts to prove conclusively that this unique period of "Great Tribulation" will not be an extended time period at the very end of this age but a catastrophic event that befell the nation of Israel within the lifetime of the apostles. It would be a concentrated period of holocaust that would fulfill Christ's pronouncement over Israel that their "house would be left desolate."

"As In the Days of Noah" - Why did Jesus liken the last days to the days of Noah and Lot? Why did He compare the two separate events. Why What did Jesus mean when he likened the last days to the days of Noah and Lot? Why did He compare the two separate events. Why didn’t He use more dramatic images of worldwide catastrophes, chaos, and “Great Tribulation” to describe those days? Was His comparison a veiled reference to a secret rapture evacuation of believers from the planet earth before the "Great Tribulation" begins? Why is His description so contrary to that of so many popular end-time scenarios? What would be the unique conditions and challenges confronting God’s people in those days. What would make those days so insidious, subtle, and seductive? Are we in that period now and why? These and many more timely insights into the days we are living in are examined in this book.
"As It Was In the Days of Noah" is not about prophetic date-setting, Dispensational timelines, conflicting schools of prophetic interpretation, or self-inspired predictions. It is a collection of scriptural insights concerning the unique conditions, challenges, and dangers facing God's people in this critical season of church history. It doesn’t focus upon a clinical analysis of eschatology but an attempt to better prepare God’s people for what lies ahead.

"The Parables & Difficult Sayings of Jesus" offers an intriguing, insightful & inspirational look at the figurative language of Jesus. It examines His thirty-eight parables and thirty-one of His perplexing sayings.