Timely Messages Challenging His Church & Churchianity
"If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do so according to the ability which God has given him." - (I Peter 4:11)
It has taken me many years to reach this pivotal point in my life. Over the last 54 years I have served as a Bible teacher, pastor, author and missionary. At this late stage in my life I find myself in the role of a “Watchman”. It is not a calling I chose but one that God called me to.
My pilgrimage has taken me around the church block many times. Much of what I write about has been distilled from those trips. Many of the spiritual conclusions I have reached were forged in the church crucible of hard knocks. One of the key truths I have learned is that there is a vast difference between authentic Christianity and manmade “churchianity".
I write to His church. I write to those faithful Bereans still within “churchianity” with ears to hear. I write to those who struggle with serious questions about their Christian experience. I write mainly to His faithful remnant who have heeded His call to “come out from among her."
Some of you will find these articles refreshing and even confirmational. Some will find them spiritually liberating. Unfortunately, some of you will view my articles as radical and even disturbing. A fair word of warning to would-be critics or naysayers who may stumble upon this body of work – This site is not for you. - William R. Kimball (2021)