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"Casting Your Pearls Before Swine"

Updated: Aug 6, 2023

Jesus used a commonly understood proverb of His day to warn us about trying to reach those who will not receive the truth; “cast not your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.” – (Matthew 7:6) This graphic saying illustrates the utter futility of wasting our precious pearls of wisdom upon those who will not value them, will treat them with contempt, and will retaliate by tearing into us with hostility and hate.

I no longer write to those who staunchly embrace churchianity or the vast herd of sensation junkies of every stripe and color. I learned the hard way long ago that they not only don’t have the ears to hear but despise those who would dare challenge them. When it comes to what God is speaking to His church the masses of professing Christians in churchianity don't get it and seldom get it.

In order to reach the masses, you need a message that has mass appeal, and that appeal can only be achieved through a message that is appealing, accommodating, and user friendly. Above all, the message must be hyped in order to reach the worldwide culture of hype. This necessitates us to make it enticing, sensational, trendy, ear-tickling, seductive, culturally correct, inclusive and even mysterious. What's more, in many cases half-truths, self-empowerment theology, New Age teachings, occultic overtones and extra-biblical teachings are added to spice up their message and make it more palatable to worldly tastes.

The masses are reached when the message is dumbed down, toned down, and dispensed in bite-size, sugar-coated portions that nobody will choke on or be offended by. To make it appealing to the masses of churchianity you invariably have to compromise the truth. The hard truths of God's word must often be dismissed or watered-down, and the sharp edges filed down so no one gets hurt or offended. The less appealing truths must be significantly minimized to avoid the potential risk of turning people off to the message.

The sobering reality is that the masses just don’t get it whether they’re churched or unchurched. They don’t have ears to hear. I do not entertain any unrealistic hopes or expectations that they will get it or even be receptive to what God is speaking to His church today beyond lip service at best. As far as the masses are concerned, nothing substantial can be expected beyond a further hardening of their hearts and resistance to the message. For the masses, it will always be business as usual, playing church as usual and going through the religious motions as usual.

Throughout the history of God’s people, the prophets, Jesus, the apostles, His watchmen, steadfast shepherds, and faithful saints have always refused to compromise the truth regardless of whether it was distasteful to the masses, objectionable to the majority or ran “cross-grain” to current cultural correctness. Those whom they were trying to reach were ultimately those who would have the spiritual ears to hear and the eyes to see - In other words, those that will settle for nothing but the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

That is why I care little about what the masses like or dislike. With rare exceptions, wasting time trying to convince them or win them over is as futile as trying to explain cholesterol to a Big Mac. I refuse to cast my pearls before the proverbial swine who will not only trample the truth in the mud but turn on you and tear you to pieces with their mocking, censorship, and name-calling.

Just so we are clear on this subject, I write to the remnant and not the masses. I have given up casting my pearls before swine. I’ve learned that it is pointless to debate them or endeavor to persuade them. It is not only useless, but also counterproductive. I know those with ears to hear will ultimately receive what the Spirit is speaking to His church. I also know that God is more than capable of leading them to it.Jesus used this graphic figure of speech to warn us not to “cast not your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.” – (Matthew 7:6)

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